
Outline of Presentation

Page history last edited by Me-Linh Le 16 years, 11 months ago


Presentation Outline

Sarah's Game - (5 mins)

Introduction by Naz (10 mins)

KoolTorch by Sarah (5 mins)

Children by Naz (5 mins)

Like.com by Me-Linh (5 mins)

Inxight by Marcia (5 mins)

Marcia's Game (10 mins)



Powerpoint - Sarah

Handout - Me-Linh

Game - Marcia & Sarah

Presentation Introduction - Naz


Introduction (Provide research)

Definition - Sarah

Key concepts - Naz

Issues - Me-Linh

Implication - Marcia



March 18

- Rough intro (Naz)

- Rough outline of game (Marcia)


March 25

- Rough outline of handout (Me-Linh)

- Individual search engine presentaitons

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