VSE Handout
Marcia's added Implications stuff (March 30 at 9:15 pm)
Naz's added Intro stuff (March 30 at 7:20 pm)
handout draft 3.doc
Sarah's added Intro stuff (March 29 at 2:35 pm) -
VSE handout draft 2.doc
Me-Linh's First Draft (March 29 at 2:20 pm) -
VSE Handout Draft 1.doc
Check out this comparison and blog entry on visual search engines - http://www.searchlounge.org/index.php?cat=6
Visual Search Engines:
Quintura - article: http://searchengineland.com/070301-053620.php
Clusty - http://www.searchlounge.org/?p=8
Lygo - [not sure about this one]
RedZee - just go see this one for the uber-cute zebra graphic! - http://redzee.com/
OScope - http://oskope.com/
Ujiko - http://www.ujiko.com/v2a/en_htm/index.htm
Pagebull (site working?)
TouchGraph for Google (displays web linkages more than it is a search engine per se)
Managed Q
Like.com (shopping) - article: http://www.searchenginejournal.com/likecom-revisiting-visual-search-as-it-should-be/6144/
Searchme...interesting new SE as per Susie's latest 557 listserv email...Marcia registering as Beta test user.
Article: Miller, R. Get the Picture: visualizing the future of search. EContent v. 27 no. 4 (April 2004) p. 30-2, 34-5
VisualSearchEngine.pdf - ml
Search Engine: Like.com
Game: ...
Article: Luther, J., Kelly, M. & Beagle, C. (2005). Visualize this. Library Journal. http://www.libraryjournal.com/article/CA504640.html?industryid=47125
Search Engine: KoolTorch
From Keyword Search to Exploration: How Result Visualization Aids Discovery on the Web
http://tinyurl.com/yw9mde somewhat technical but interesting examples of visual results and discussion of these.
Search Engine: Children's search engine
Article: Holly Gunn, (2007). Searching the Web with search engines for children. Teacher Librarain 34:5 (see
Webfor kids.pdf)
Other Articles
1. Article on implications/importance of visual search for "Millennials":
Marketing the Millennials: What They Expect From Their Library Experience
Patricia M. Duck and Randi Koeske
April 7–10, 2005, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Relevant quotes:
“Having grown up in an era of television and video games, they are visually oriented and are easily bored with sequential tasks and may have short attention spans.“
“This survey seems to confirm that while millennials are technologically savvy their visual orientation and short attention spans may hinder their efforts in doing research”
2. Interesting article about possible implications of sites that focus on image searching like Ditto and OSkope (are these ones possibly outside of the scope of this project though?): http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/ilaw/Interconnect/
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